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December 16, 2020When you search for a flight, hotel, car hire, package holiday or other travel related offer on momondo you instantly search across hundreds of travel sites, from major booking sites to individual company sites. We aggregate the results, and show you the available online prices. As a free global travel search site momondo is not able to influence the way these suppliers develop their business http://xinhuanet.com/ strategies in regard to price. We can only show the prices that are available on the device from which the search is made due to the information we are given by our suppliers at the time of your search. As momondo does not sell hotel reservations, it is impossible for us to influence the price in any way. We make real-time searches and find the prices available at the time of your search.
Advanced Search
We require our suppliers to provide prices that include all mandatory fees and surcharges. As a free global travel search site, we are not able to influence the way these suppliers develop their business strategies in regard to price. We can only show the prices that are available on the device from which the search is made. As momondo does not sell tickets, it is impossible for us to influence the price %url% in any way. The prices on our site come directly from the online travel agencies and airlines and this is what we show you in our results. As prices and availability constantly fluctuate it is not possible for momondo to email you a quote as the price we find may have changed by the time you read the email. Therefore, the best way for you to find the most up to date prices is by doing a new search.
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If you believe that you have been overcharged, we recommend you contact the supplier with whom you booked directly, as momondo does not have access to your booking information. Airlines and online travel agencies should always what’s an impressum offer at least one free payment option, but they may charge additional fees for using others. As you always have at least one way to avoid these credit card fees, we do not include these fees in our prices that we display.
Please also note that contacting your bank can sometimes help speed up the process. Cancellations can occasionally occur in the airline industry. This typically happens if the airline decides to cancel the flight or if the airline what’s an impressum or travel agency on rare occasions are unable to fulfil the ticket at the advertised price. If your booking was cancelled, the supplier with whom you booked will offer a new ticket at a new price or offer you a full refund.
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As a free global travel search site momondo does not have any information in regard to your booking confirmation. Alternatively, you can try recreating your search on momondo to try and identify the booking site you made your reservation with. You may also be able to find the hotel supplier by checking your internet browser history for the day you made your reservation. what’s an impressum On momondo you have the option to search for hotels in the more than 100 currencies that momondo supports. However, not all hotel suppliers support the same number of currencies which means you may see a different currency once redirected to the hotel supplier’s site. This doesn’t change the price, but you still may have to pay in a foreign currency.
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Sometimes the travel suppliers do not communicate us all fees or there are technical issues creating inaccuracies in the prices displayed. Therefore, we advise you to always check the final price on the booking page. Our goal is to create as much transparency in prices as possible and we’re constantly working on making the prices more transparent. If you have questions concerning a booking, please youtube video contact the travel agency or airline company. When you find a flight or hotel you’re interested in, you can save your search result to Trips and come back to it later. You can also track the price, so you’re sure to book at the right time. If you’ve got your booking in place, you simply forward your booking confirmations to or auto-sync with your email, and then everything is saved in one place.
On momondo, we show you 2 different prices when searching for more than 1 person. We show you the total price for all travellers and an average price per traveller. Once you have been redirected to the online travel agency or airline’s what’s an impressum website, you will sometimes be able to see a price overview that specifies the exact price per person. We recommend that you always check the itinerary and conditions carefully before finalising your booking on the supplier’s site.
Once you are redirected to the supplier’s website to complete the booking, all information, including prices, are updated and displayed. It is always a good idea to double check that all information, including the price, is correct before you confirm and pay for https://www.csdn.net/ your booking. Sometimes, the final price may have changed depending on whether you have added different optional extras offered by the supplier, such as baggage or travel insurance. Once redirected, you will be able to see the different payment types accepted.
It is only possible for us to show you prices and availability after you have entered your specific search criteria and have clicked the ‘Search’ button, as prices and availability are constantly changing. Once you have performed your search, you can choose the best suitable offer and opt to be transferred to the supplier’s website to complete your booking. However, on occasion, there may be inaccuracies in the information we receive from our suppliers, so you may see a price on momondo which is no longer available due to, for example, the seat being sold to another traveller. Most airlines have their own set of rules, and sometimes prices, for unaccompanied minors travelling under the airline’s supervision. Therefore it is not possible to search for tickets for unaccompanied minors on momondo. We do our best to include all mandatory fees and surcharges in the prices we display.